Sunday 23 January 2011

In the beginning... BLOG

Alas there shall be no when nor was here. 
I shall most likely use this blog, if at all, for reviews of certain things - most of which shall be standard everyday benign affairs, such as films, games or eschatalogical thought processes - but others shall be for things which I just can't find reviews for.I fear this would warrant an example:

Have you ever been shopping on a popular online purchasing website and found the perfect product but resisted its alluring temptation simply because it had 
Well look no further! I shall attempt to review these weird and wonderful contraptions for your sakes in order to bring pieces to the worlds! 

So feel free to send requests for reviews, and on the most likely event that I have no experience of it - I'll fantalogically make one up- just for you.

p.s. Fantalogically is a word - it originates from the Greek phantasima (where we get fantastic from), which simultaneously happens to be orangu-tango's brother